Motorcycle Taxi for business people in Nice and its region

For your business trips in Nice and its region, book a Motorcycle Taxi for a point-to point journey or for a predetermined period and be sure to be on time, even in rush hour traffic.

Motorcycle taxi for skippers

Cannes, Monaco, Antibes and Nice all have major marinas which host large numbers of boats throughout the year. I provide motorcycle taxi services for passengers, crew and skippers who wish to get around the town during their stopovers.

I will be waiting for you with my motorcycle taxi as close as possible to the boat and can take you wherever you want on the Côte d'Azur or in the Nice region. You can book me for a point-to-point trip, a round trip or for a longer period of time, depending on your needs.

Your motorcycle has side compartments and a luggage rack that can accommodate a cabin case or packages.
